The Sneaky Pint: The Sneaky Pint’s NY Resolutions
Posted on January 12, 2021 / by The Drunken Poet
1. Go to the Poet more often. Sounds obvi, but if you don’t try to constantly improve yourself in today’s world you’re going backwards.
2. Watch a lot less t.v and possibly throw the brain curdling, spirit thief thing out the window and get down to the Poet.
3. See friends way more often. Address this one with a sense of urgency as pandemics, natural disasters and the demise of the world or one’s self (whichever comes first) are now more imminent than ever. Don’t waste a second. I know an excellent place to meet up.
4. See more live music. You know where. It will salve your soul, lift your spirits and gird your loins for the constant onslaught of modern life.
5. Kick against the pricks. There seems to be way too many of them and their relentless efforts to destroy the planet, take away your privacy and rights, make the rich richer and the poor poorer and generally ruin what could be a great time for everyone; should be opposed whenever and wherever possible. They’re bigger and badder than us, but we have the numbers. We must band together my brothers and sisters. You know where.
6. Enjoy Guinness or your preferred tipple. Like really enjoy it. Don’t just drink it because its there. Savour the scent and flavour like never before, but mostly just raise it and bump it against the glasses of aforementioned friends and assorted Poet inhabitants and lose yourself in the joyous moment.
7. Secure an out of town bolthole to take refuge in for when it all goes to shit, then start digging a tunnel. To you know where.
8. Run to the Poet instead of taking public transport or catching an Uber in an attempt to lose lockdown blubber.
9. Stop looking at social media and start actually socialising. I know a place.
10. Buy someone a drink. Buy everyone a drink. For though 2020 may have been slightly difficult, 2021 may prove to be worse. As Paul Kelly would say, “You can’t take it with you.” It’s the Sneaky Pint’s shout and he’s got gold coins for the jukebox!!!!!
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